materialism and all that

Bloxy's Bloxy's at hotmail.com
Sun May 2 17:10:55 EST 1999

In article <7gicj3$s9n$1 at oravannahka.Helsinki.FI>, dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi wrote:
>In bionet.neuroscience Bloxy's <Bloxy's at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> In article <7g6alh$ssl$1 at oravannahka.Helsinki.FI>,
> dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi wrote:
>> >In bionet.neuroscience Cijadrachon <cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:

>> >> One of the few things I value at times about people liking science is
>> >> the precision of facts,

>> Pure horse shit.

>....[outburst by Bloxy]

You see how you suck?

>> >The profession thanks you. Sincerely.

>> Huh?
>> And who are you, mr. dead donkey ass sucker?
>> What authority do you have to speak for entire profession?

>First, a person who writes like you did cannot obviously be of the profession.

What profession, you fascist?
You keep speaking for others like they have no brains of their own,

You have mania of grandior by any humble chance?
Why do you need to get on a pedestal and shout obscenities
in the name of others?

>The obvious juvenile verbal imbalance is only part of the evidence.

Hey, you suck like a dead donkey ass zo far.

Fear and guilt.
That is how you tick, piling this garbage on the top of each
other to "prove" you sucky parasitic "point"
of which you have none zo far.

>As to myself, I serve as Professor of Physiology,

Oh, the real priest, huh?
Brainwashing the mind of young people with the advantages
of ass licking and blood sucking?

> teach mainly
>neuroscience to medical students,

Ok, that looks like a royal breed.

> have a research group doing sleep research,

Oh, sleep research is deep.

And what have you learned zo far?

Did you figure out what happens during the dream phase?

What happens to the essense of the being during the sleep?
Is it still in physical reality, or it is largely out
of its scope?

What are dreams?
How come you can walk down the street in a dream and then
turn arond the corner and end up in a different city?
How come you can fly like a bird?

Do you know what that is?

What happens to time and space during the sleep?
Any sucking clues?

>which in this case is a branch of neuroscience, focussing on
>neurochemical and neurphysiological changes during sleep loss and recovery.

And what have you learned?

>Also, unlike yourself, several persons in this newsgroup are aware of
>my connection with science, including both neuroscientists and
>some other intelligent discussants.

Oh, the prove by majority vote?
Invoking the power of collective sucking and ass licking of each other?

> The long-standing activist


> in this
>group, Cijadrachon, is often of wildly different opinion from the
>neuroscientists, but some of her opinions about people and the world can be
>recognized as being on a sound basis even by us "scientists".

YOU are not a scientist, no matter how many letters you got
after you name, one thing is certain.

You are the modern priest, who took the seat of the religios
priest and now are ingaged in the brain programming,
creating the bio-robotos.

Biological entity,
programmed to behave according to a limited set of instructions,
based in morality,
created by the priest
manipulating fear and guilt
in order to collect a sin tax.

You have a closed mind of a politician,
corrupt to the core, piling up ANY kind of obscenity
to reaffirm the validity of the majority view
in order to maintain the same old, the same old.

> As I see
>it, scientists strive towards precision in the description of observable
>events, precision in the conducting of experiments, precision in the
>drawing of conclusions.

Look a this super sophisticated pile of crap.

Yep, keep repeating the same thing.
May be one day it will become true,
if you brainwash large enough number of brains
with this wishful thinking.

So, the basic work is done. All we need is precision now, right?
Did you already figured out the difference between the head
and the ass?

You see, before you get to the point of precision,
you need to make sure your basis stuff is together.

You have not a slightest clue of what is what,
and yet you claim you are here to polish the precision factor,
and all you have on your hands is a belief system,
eventually rooted in morality - "good" and "bad" definitions.

> That the findings are inexact

Not only they are inexact.
It is not even clear you are looking through the right holes.
Else how could you have come to this point,
standing on the brink of self destruction
from MANY angles?

> and may be revised
>as more facts

More facts?

Hey, sucking full time here, huh?

And what is that, which you call a fact?
Is it perfectly true and valid?

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