New Intelligence

Roger Steele rsia1457 at home.com
Thu May 6 00:24:13 EST 1999

I don't know who you are asking these questions to...and I can't speak
for Jan Cox.

But I don't see what connection enlightenment has to magic.  It seems to
me that enlightenment has nothing whatsoever to do with anything else in
this universe that we might name.

Magic knowledge or magic data...

If there were such a thing, and it were "shared" with the many, do you
think that the many would See? Like a mass awakening to what Life is all

Life would not continue in its great expansion and evolution here, IF
the many didn't consider their little part in the big game as serious
and important. And even if the Secret of Life could be written down in a
verbal phrase or something, they still would not see it. Somehow their
minds would qualify it, and it would have no effect. The many are doing
just as they should, taking care of what needs to be done. Only a few
people even have the potential to Understand. Which works out just

What do you understand the tuning for enlightenment to be?


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