What's a Brain Wave?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue May 4 21:22:09 EST 1999

Hi Dag.

>Sorry, I have a busy period (no experiments
 :-)  !

(Though I do not mind if humans run experiments with other humans who
want that.)

>> > Nerve cells also may impulse in bursts and take a short break, and then fire again, 
>> In deep sleep?  In which sectors (not) a lot?
>Don't understand your definition of sector. 
Though neuros namings of sectors of the brain differ from mine, taking
neuros would be O.K.

>This pattern occurs in all
>stages of non-REM sleep.
In all places with nerve cells of the brain?

And I was wondering about differences in areas of the brain in such.

But since I am at asking holes into you like a swiss cheese 
actually some other stuff interests me consciderably more:

What is the central regulation control of the brain for changing into
deep sleep and out of deep sleep,

what is taking sectors off-line when going unconscious and what is
(how?) initiating them online again,
what is the sequence for such,

if someone were to vibe into the brain of someone who is in coma,
where would that person have to aim what if he wanted to wake that
person up,

and what/where are sort of the base energies regulation controls 
for cholinergic limbic areas in the brain?
(Like when going unconscious or waking up...)

What are the shortest ways from the cholinergic limbic system if
wanting to aim for asked for regulating systems?

If someone wanted to build pathways to there, what would be the aiming
sequence (via which systems) from cholinergic limbic areas to there?

(Actually I could think of a load of more questions I have been
wondering about for a while... ;-)

(I regret you neuros don't make direct transfers like folks into
magic; though more dangerous I find that way of learning easier, lazy
as I am.)

>> >Both sigma sleep spindles, deep sleep delta waves, and the relaxed
>> >wakefulness alpha rhythm reflect different relationships between
>> >cerebral cortex 
>> Where is the cerebral cortex?
>You mean "where IN the cerebral cortex". I think this is rather widespread.

Even on the risk you might fall off the rocker at this: 
Actually me old neolithic barbarian meant exactly where is the
cerebral cortex. 

Say I were to look from the cholinergic limbic system into the region
of the cingulate gyrus forwards upwards which for me is the
playground, and now wanted to know from that point of view what all is
cerebral cortex, then a location description would be could neat maybe
how to get there,  
or neuro irxtlwrrksing of which areas they count under cerebral
cortex, then I should have two bookies here, where I could check if
they have it, and would could get more about it that way.

(Cerebral sounds like Gehirn which would be all, and cortex I thought
there are many.)

>  Nice oscillations occur as
>the result of the couplings between these three cell types, wehich
>contain a lot of different membrane channels. Different states in these
>channels lead to different patterns of activity, and one has found that
>they correlate with, for instance, active waking, relaxed waking, light
>non-REM sleep, deep non-REM sleep.

What goes mostly active in  REM sleep itself?

>It is strange that you so often refer to brain function as if it were a
>computer (CPU, sequencer, etc.).

Guess a lot for me is like a big biocomputer.  :-)

I guess you simply never tried to get the CPU of the sequencer on LSD
to do some mind-bogglingly boring to process motoric sequences stuff
and decided that it was still preferably to go co-sequencing than to
be hindered by all the failures that seem suspiciously like also its
upper frontal areas being as drugged as my front computer external CPU
stuff.  (Irxtlwrrksing back. ;-)  (Meaning parallel processing and
memory capacities for longer stuff probably equally handicapped.)

Reminds of giving advice to a computer.

The front computer straight got the naming front computer of me, the
sequencer is similar to a computer, just that it can think and has
some other differences of course, the third emotion generator is
reminding of an emotion computer, a lot of the stuff going in and out
there is like old programs, ...
Yes, very much like a computer, a lot of it for me, especially on LSD
if I get near the autist stages.

> I would have thought that you would be
>very much into parallel processing and multiprocessor analogy. Of
>course, you write somewhere that you find parlalel processing difficult.


Most of the brains I go kasha surfing with or who straight let me
vampire into energies of their shareware have ways more parallel
processing capacities.

>I would have guessed that you would find thinking in sequences more

I think a lot in patterns, but there are systems, and though I deleted
a lot about such stuff in some quarrel with Frank and it is also not
really relevant to me,
it amazes me tht you believe that sequences should be difficult.

LONG sequences since some concussion yes, but as a lot of the other
systems work in sequences as such as a central energies tuner in my
head of course I can think in sequences, too.

Maybe that is why a lot in the head reminds me of a computer.
Sequencers of certain structures repeating.

>I suppose that this only shows how little I understand after all. 

Never mind, on your sleep stuff I'd not get much either.

Guess LSD teaching and neuro in some stuff is real far apart.

Guess if someone had a problem with sleep (and it's not to do with
sitting in front of the computer or another place all day long, no
tiring physical stuff, too much stress, no good partner not getting up
with the sun and/or living in other ways rather unhealthily and
drinking stuff with caffeine or milk before going to bed,
living under a sky where the artificial ranges buzz and you can't
perceive the Milky Way, sleeping with the head near a load of electric
stuff or over under water stuff or Curry lines [whatever you call
that... energy Earth stuff]... etc.)
 and he'd wanted me to LSD vampire into the problem, I guess I'd need
a load of folks asleep and compare first (preferbly brains I am used
to tune a little awake on senseenhancers), and then I could watch out
for what seems different and maybe play a bit around in the brain with
energies to perceive what that does or stuff like that.

Pretty different ways I guess.

That's like when I tired to explain the bit with on some drug
senseenhancer stuff tuning for the occipital energies of someone
sleeping and you me the Greek letter Hz ranges,
and I joked on if you don't like alpha awake what you'd do tuning for
the occipital cortex of a sleeper magically (that sucks hells more
than magic awake tunings for some of the others neocortex energies,
and back there are sort of main transformer banks, sort of like an
energy gateway into the other head).

I guess often we are just guessing what the other one is meaning, and
figuring what might be close of what we know.


Basically I know little about your areas within neuro 
and you nearly nothing my ares within LSD teaching.

But I enjoy chatting with you anyway, old Westie, even if part of the
time we do not understand what the other one means.

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