New Intelligence

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue May 4 21:22:31 EST 1999

(SKIP to certain others.)

Which sectors of the brain are (not) counted as "mind"?

Depending on where is lived maybe consider cancer dangers if tuning
for old forms of enlightenment is aspired.

Where the Christians and Westies rule, it might be wiser not to tune
too much for the "cancering artificial vibe ranges". Even if this
means not reaching and never reaching enlightenment.
It seems the choice of those cultures to prefer to harass and kill
sensitive people, to stop the old tradition of communicating with
others in the universe, and to isolate themselves telepathically even
from each other.   In a place like here after so many centuries of
killing practicers of magic, I am not even sure if the forms how magic
here is spread again are wise.

Enlightenment is such a powerful form of tuning and perception, that I
wonder if you can do it, would you teach it to anyone, or are you
having reservations about whom you would teach it to?

Due to the stopping of the persecution there is of course the
spreading of magic again, and the opinions here about that seem very
split. As many here regard themselves of Indogermanic origin and India
as close to us in different ways, a lot of the power data from there
starts to trickle faster and faster and is short of streaming into the
subcultures here but without much of the moral security systems.

There are very very split opinions here about such.

Basically the higher the magic knowledge is the lower seems to be the
will to share that with many, while among those of lower skills there
are opinions that if many of the education systems were reformed most
or all magic data / energy perception data should be available to all.

What is your opinion about that?

And that of Jan Cox?

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