Neurotoxin detection

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed May 5 20:46:10 EST 1999

Neurotoxic effects on mucous secretions, or neurotoxic effects of the
slug's mucous secretions?

F. LeFever

In <7gnf5k$amt$1 at ra.cc.wwu.edu> "Brian MacNevin" <macnevin at cc.wwu.edu>
>    I wish to examine the banana slug mucous secretions for neurotoxic
>effects, but I am having trouble tracking down an effective yes/no
method of
>testing this. Does anyone here happen to have any ideas or references?
>Thanks in advance!
>    Sincerely,
>        Brian MacNevin
>Brian MacNevin
>Biology Department
>Western Washington University
>Bellingham, WA 98225-9160
>macnevin at cc.wwu.edu
>Tel: (360) 650-7465

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