Who can help my wife and me?

Hoogeveen-Bos A.Hoogeveen-Bos at inter.NL.net
Wed May 5 14:19:59 EST 1999

I am a dutch physician, specilized in sports medicine.
 I am writing this because of my wife.

My wife is 34 years old and has always been healthy and was enjoying live.
In oktober 1996 she suffered from a subarachnoideal non aneurysmal
hemorrhage, but after two months she recovered. During the ilness the only
sign of a hemorrhage was the lumbar punction. Magnetic Imaging did not
showed a bleeding (after a week of illness).  But the onset was acute
during pressure and she had a abducens paresis. The lumbar punctions were
rather traumatic and not easy to be done. The arteriogram and CAT scan
where negative.
She recovered but 4 months after the subar. heam., she complaint of pain in
the back and buttock. When she moves the head into anteflexion the pain
around the sacrum was worsened and she then felt a pressure in the head.
She was not able to stand and sit for a period of 7 months because of the
pain. We consulted three neurologist, a X ray and a Magnetic Resonance
Image of the lumbo sacral region was made but nobody knows what the cause
was. She got a brace and three times an injection intraspinal with
corticosteroids. All without succes.  At least of course every one thought
it must be psychological. However I see in my practice a lot of back pain
but never like this. We have had always an excellent marriage and my wife
never complaint of anything before. 

After a period of 7 months the complaints gradually diminished and we were
happy for more than a year. But two weeks ago we went on vacation and she
had a headage for two days which she does not have often and suddenly the
pain in the back was there again. She had been tilting a lot the day before
but she did that before. She complains of pain in the back and buttock
around the sacrum. When she moves the head into anteflexion the pain around
the sacrum is worsening and she then feals a pressure in the head.
Neurological deficit is not seen at physical examination. We are already
tired of consulting again all the specialists.

No she is lying again and we want to have help. Do you regognize this
complaints? Please E-mail me?

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