"exspirience near death"

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue May 4 11:31:49 EST 1999

One of the experiences that I had that made me understand death was to
do with too much of a drug and sectors going sort of "black" like a
city going to a void of nothingness.
I made me understand quite a bit what ceasing to exist is like.

Before death did not worry me much, but after I perceived that it
scared me.

Someone once came to me who had tried to kill himself before and
wanted data about consciousnesses, said pretty straight from the start
that he might kill himself (and he did), as the last was a serious
enough attempt and though he had been drugged with psycho-drugs and
forced back to life, it was not what he had wanted.

One of his friends said that if he had told him he is going to now and
done it he might have liked to be there but he would not have
prevented him, as the decision for or against life is an own decision.

I believe that it is to do with balances between and within areas,
especially the own and the two main emotion generators and with some
also with reality perception.

Also with certain societies.

If you compare the suicide rates between different societies you might
get one of the best ratings for cultures.

Like here people are basically declared possessions of others and most
never get enough sleep, raise with alarm clocks in unnatural cities to
unnatural life and take drugs like caffeine to make up for too little
sleep, and then maybe go to jobs that require unnatural behaving, to
come home to do other unnatural tasks, in the evening sit in
artificial ranges, and then go to bed in a room without the stars and
the moon above and go for the same procedure again and again, year
after year, getting older and older, and after a while of that some
might decide that to stop to perceive is better than to go on to

A look at the news and the society around might confirm then in such

Imagine you had parents who keep pondering if they want to cease to
exist or not. And maybe give it a few failed attempts in between.
Some might believe if humans go to imbalanced, maybe it is not that
bad for the stability of humanity if they sort themselves out and
point out how many do so before having had children and how many do so
while having children and also point out suicide tendencies in
teenagers reaching fertility age in surroundings that are not good
natural ones for having children and are to do with societies where
quite unnatural living and behaviour is expected.

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