Push this, pull this

fekin_doh at my-dejanews.com fekin_doh at my-dejanews.com
Tue May 4 20:37:35 EST 1999

Am I the only one that is stumped by the fact that even
though the human brain is so "complex" that no-one can
understand it. (I know about systems within systems)
If you don't understand it, poke it with a stick and see
whats happens. (as with your TV)
If you had half a brain, would you design, evolve a brain
that bases all its actions on pre-adolescent learning.
I know that advances have been made by reducing actions to
their smallest parts, ie neuro-transmitters, but currently
(as for a long time) they think that the whole is greater
than its parts.
Is there an fundamental process (ie Seroronin) that causes our
behaivour, or is it due to our interactions with others.
My only thought that life is like a Fisher-price toy, in so much
that it poses questions to stretch us within our current limits
but without  us understanding why the bell rings when we push it, or
that it has been designed with an intellegence that we can't understand
but has humoured us with simple law that leads us to an understanding.
Is there any need for emotions?
How can you realise your lack of intelligence, ie try explaining TV
to an Mancunian.
How can we think we are so far removed from the apes, when moved to
a natural environment, ie a forest, or an Univerese without EMF ,
could anyone have progressed so far.
Why do we celebrate as I'm sure generation after generation have that
we have so advanced so much from 50 years ago.
Its like a fotball supporter saying "we did well", when they had no
impact on the result.
How much further would we be if the average intellegence was that
of Einstein etc?
What is the genetic advantage of mental illness and the sane keeping
them alive?
Why do we beleive in a higher power?
Rantings from a drunk, mad-man

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