Gary Jasdzewski wrote:
> What is the latest thinking on the popularized research on split-brain
> patients? For example, how accurate are the generalizations about left
> brain vs right brain thinking?
not very... the corpus is the most-massive "commisural pathway"
for a reason... if the disunity that's observed on cutting it
were a natural thing within neural activation "states", it
wouldn't exist in the first place.
rather, what's happening is a unified processing mapped across a
spectrum with respect to a Geometry that's rigorously mapped with
respect to the body-environment interface (somatosensation
(touch... the skin, eyes, the cochlea, etc.)
when one looks, one sees, imediately, that there's an
awfilled-lot of fore-aft communication within this same global
Geometry... all of it, including the corpus callosum, is there
be-cause its being in-there renders TD E/I-minimization, with
respect to stuff mapped in from the external environment
the only reason that this or that =seems= to be "dominant" post
commisurotomy is that it's disconnected from the activation that
it normally receives within the connected whole... why have two
"language" subsystems when there're only one tongue, larynx,
diaphram? ...yet, if organic damage occurs in the "language"
areas early enough, speech can develop rather "normally"... which
means that the only thing left in whole systems is tight global
integration, with every "area" receiving and sending to every
other "area" (most often through multiple "way-stations), and the
dependence upon what's received being inherent in what's
"sent"... throughout the supersystem.
this tight global integration is, in fact, necessary be-cause of
the way that the external environment is mapped into the nervous
system... the "primitive" pain "subsystem" maps direction with
respect to noxious stimulation in a relatively-simple fashion...
pretty much like a "tree" (except for routes from the head, which
i've explained in the past)... so funtionality must be
distributed within the neural architecture in a way that's
commensurate with the mapping of the pain "subsystem"... any
divergence from such would lengthen response latencies,
decreasing the survival propensity of the nervous system's host
"split-brain" preparations have a lot of "buzz" to them because
their behavioral correlates are so novel (re. intact
supersystems)... something akin to the attention a car with a
flat tire, neverheless beingdriven down the street, gets.
a further recent "controversy" has to do with a so-called
"discrepancy" in the relative sizes of male and female corpus
callosae... it's all rubbish... men are men and women are
women... the engineering shared by the "two" is =shared= by the
two... TD E/I-minimization is optimized within the =shared=
neural architecture... it's why "being alone" is such a miserable
state... the TD E/I(min) that comes with the co-operation of an
opposite sex nervous system is absent when one is "alone"... the
neural mapping actually extends, via sensory, motor and affect
"external" links, between persons... kind of wonderful, eh?
cheers, ken collins