corpus collosum cut

Gary Jasdzewski gary at purdue.edu
Tue May 4 00:30:50 EST 1999

In article <37232AB5.C3F4E73 at banet.net>, kenpc at banet.net wrote:

>DWeis80196 wrote:
>>      Does anyone know if patients ever experience enhancement of any ability
>> after the corpus callosum is cut?  I realize in most individuals both
>> hemispheres are involved in most complex tasks, but I wondered if at any time
>> one hemisphere inhibited more than it helped the other.
>there's the manifestation of two competing "personas", which
>an overall diminution of functionality (an vivid instance of
>global TD E/I(up), 
>and the general nature of it's consequences).

What is the latest thinking on the popularized research on split-brain
patients?  For example, how accurate are the generalizations about left
brain vs right brain thinking?

gary jasdzewski
   gary at purdue.edu

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