CFP: Special Issue on Inattentional Blindness

George Buckner synthesys at mindspring.com
Mon May 3 21:10:57 EST 1999


The online journal PSYCHE is soliciting commentaries and articles for a 
special issue dedicated to issues raised by Arien Mack and Irvin Rock 
in their book "Inattentional Blindness". In addition original papers 
that focus in general on the role of attention in human consciousness 
will also be considered for publication. PSYCHE is interested in 
submissions from researchers in any relevant field, including 
philosophers, psychologists, and biologists.

Our goal is to explore the importance of the study of selective 
attention to a deeper understanding of conscious perception.

Commentaries in this special issue are tentatively scheduled to be 
published in January 2000 to be followed by a reply by Arien Mack. The 
first chapter of the book is available on the PSYCHE website at:


Submissions are due by October 1, 1999. Our expectation is that we will 
allot two months for review of manuscripts and another two months for 
revisions if they are requested. All submissions will undergo a 
standard review process (i.e. double-blind peer-review). Submissions 
should follow American Psychological Association Style and should be in 
the order of 2000 to 4000 words long. Please check the "Notes for 
Authors" section of the PSYCHE website for additional formatting 
details. Longer papers will be considered. Articles that are accepted 
will be published in two formats: a plain ASCII version will be emailed 
directly to PSYCHE's 2500 subscribers, and an HTML version -- which can 
contain graphics, links to raw data, or even movies -- made available 
on the PSYCHE website.

We expect this to be an exciting forum that will include commentaries 
from individuals in philosophy, psychology, and the biological 
sciences. We hope that you will consider our invitation to participate.
If you are interested in submitting a paper, please contact us as soon
as possible.

best wishes,

Patrick Wilken

Patrick Wilken                http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~patrickw/
Editor:  PSYCHE: An International Journal of Research on Consciousness
Board Member:    Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/           http://www.phil.vt.edu/ASSC/

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