>> >and superstition...
>> Would it be better if a person whose partner after 50 years of
>> marriage died would watch the maggots eat away the face of the other
>> till the skull starts to grin at her, and have to handle that that IS
>> the other one, no soul, no reincarnation, Walhalla, Eternal Hunting
>> Grounds, Heaven, path along the Milky Way to where the nice tent
>> places and grounds of the dead are, ...? Ever considered the impacts
>> on society?
>>Well put. Still, I prefer what I believe to be truth.Besides, watching
>the maggots devour the body does not tell us anything if we still
>believe there is an immortal soul.
You might prefer what you believe and some prefer to believe that
there is a soul and not a maggot dinner party, and some prefer the
truth over "we believe".
>> You yourself have the superstition that your race is so valuable that
>> it is correct if members of your valuable race do harm to others of
>> other races just to find out stuff about themselves because the others
>> are so neatly similar to the own race,
>> I have my superstitions as well.
>>It is, of course, irrelevant here that you use the word 'race' unlike
>the rest of us, who define species as a group of individuals that can
>interbreed, and 'race' as subgroups of the species.
Possible that some teacher taught me wrong in school when saying that
"rasse" is to do with if the offspring can still have off-spring (like
a horse and donkey's offspring not being able to have own offspring,
therefore not being a "Rasse", and the parents two "Rassen").
Or I translated wrong.
On a level it does not matter to me what you irrxtlwrrks other persons
who are not humans, as that won't take of many persons areas of the
limbic system.
And I'd more call it dishonest than irrational, that you do not admit
that those you kill are persons and don't have the courage to stand to
your murderings.
So your race or species or whatever you want to call your mammal kind,
can go on to find out data at the costs of other persons.
How long do you want to delay to admit that we have I areas in the
limbic system and that you are doing gross murders?
All brainsurfers with I-perception I met know, and since Alzheimer &
limbic data it is not like neuro has not finally gotten it, too,
you just do not want to admit that own I areas are within the limbic
system, so you can go on imprisoning, maiming and murdering non-human
persons and can go on to eat them.
You can irxtlwrrks it what you want, that won't change that
you are imprisoning, injuring and killing persons.