dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi wrote:
>Complicated stuff, that. I am afraid I have difficulties following.
I did not get that one either:
>Left brain damage, me?
How do you mean that one?
Though I am the Reincarnation of the Goddess of Laziness
and this is just my Earthly life
(so in my incarnations I get again just how much worrrk sucks,
and afterwards enjoy Godly Lazying all the more),
I guess understanding sleep is not really something I am specialized
Just thought that after you wrote me a little about what you do
I should not just grump at you, and babble something about it
We are of different branches, and I know little of yours
and you pretty much nothing of mine.
I guess it were the references to stuff of my branch, that you had
difficulties to follow, but I do not know that much about your branch
(so often when you folks talk for me that is as much irxtlwrrxing as
the one about the Real Essence of Man might have been for folks not at
all into magic brain energy stuff) and I really don't know how you'd
irxtlwrrks some of that.
Maybe its bit like with the LTP & LTD stuff, where I did not get much
apart from that it sounded like two basic energy stages,
and the two basic energy stages I now are the non-magic axony one for
external perception on reflective ranges (like seeing) and the magic
fieldish one for transcending magic perception (like "seeing" the way
C.Castaneda uses it), so I tried to ask if the LTP and LTD stuff is
anything to do with that, but I could as well have asked the wall.
I guess there are areas where our branches are too remote.
Maybe if I were on LSD with you and you'd make the focus like I say
and leave central energy control to me I could flux our brains
between the two main energy settings I know and you could tell me if
that is to do with that LTP or LTD stuff,
and if not could (though I doubt it) make your brain between those
two, and I could try to tune stuff in my brain along till I get what
you are meaning.
Else I might go on not to understand what LTP & LTD is and you might
go on not to understand how I mean with occipital energy links or
stuff like that.
I don't really know how to explain you that stuff much.
I mean, I can hardly ask you to bring some human test person along who
does not care for the health of his brain, stick LSD in you and me,
and ask the other one to go to sleep, transform some stuff in your
shareware and show you how to go playing with occipital akasha of the
(And even if I were ever to decide to reprogram the shareware of some
neuro for "seeing" and some other stuff, it would not be considerate
to straight dock into a sleeping brain with it, as to link into brains
energies in a more targetted way might take some many sessions just
for starter stuff, and should first be practiced with other practicers
of magic and not some sense censored sleeper.)
I am not sure if that was the part you did not get, but if it was that
one I do not know how to explain it.
Here we tend to go on about stuff like that magically and not with
words, and so far I never heard of anyone, even of other peoples, to
make up words for it.
For me it was not really much relevant, might not have been important.
Didn't just want to grump at you.
Mentioning which,
it are not "your" three mice,
mammals are not possessions.
Three prisoners for abuse sounds less beautifying.