kenpc at wrote:
> The "Beast", Abstract Ignorance (absence of understanding of how nervous systems process
> information in nervous systems which, nevertheless, "process information" automatically),
> must be addressed in language that chips away at its invisibility.
does anyone recall the 1950s scifi flick, "The Angry Red Planet"? i saw it, with my older
brother, as a tyke, and it scared me so much i still recall the emotions of my viewing it.
it was about folks who established an outpost on Mars... Robbie the robot was their
marvelous "colleague"... the antagonist was an savage, but invisible, "monster"... i still
recall my tyke's fright as this "monster" made its pressence known as it tried to break
through the massive door that stood between it and the Martian adventurers... with each of
the beast's thrusts, distortions, conforming to the beast's invisible form, appeared in the
heavy steel of the door... what was "frightening" simultaneously disclosed the beast's form.
some things never change... the "Beast", Abstract Ignorance, discloses itself in the same
way... it's the way of invisible "terrors".
there was a recent Federal Court "decision" in Washing, D. C., or thereabouts... a
legitimate church had its tax exempt status taken away from it.
what's happened is that, in an awareness that, despite the "unseemliness" of it on my part
(after all, i've given my life to Science), i've not shied away from acknowledging things of
religion, a "warning shot" has been fired "across the bow" of folks who, it's Feared, will
find within themselves the courage to act.
Same-Stuff as the nemisis in "The Angry Red Planet", and i invite folks of good will to
examine the "distortions in the door".
another matter: i had a telephone conversation, today, with a fellow who changed his outfit
during the course of the conversation...
The "door",
Bulges more.
All the while,
it's a sorrow-time. k. p. collins