In <xyqM2.505$eJ.93238 at> wetboy <wetboy at>
>>In sci.physics F. Frank LeFever <flefever at> wrote:
>: In <qX4M2.350$eJ.70892 at> wetboy <wetboy at>
>: writes:
>: - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - ->
>>:>You're just jealous because the aliens didn't choose
>:>to land in your insignificant, second-rate country.
>:>>:>-- Wetboy
>>: I believe the word is "envious" (NOT "jealous").
>>: F. LeFever
>>Nope -- I meant "jealous". Look it up.
>>-- Wetboy
Look it up in a thesaurus, which lumps words loosely together, or in a
dictionary, which makes distinctions between words?
Think of it: "The Lord thy God is a jealous God."
Think of "a jealous husband".
Think of what they have in common.
Perhaps you did mean "jealous", if you meant that he felt an honor
belonging to his country was usurped by another.
I had thought that you meant that he wished his country had been
treated to such a wonderful experience, in which case "envious" would
be the correct word.
Given the ambiguity of the bare statement, one cannot be sure which was
your intent. I am sensitized to mis-use of the word because it is so
commonly mis-used, in contexts where the intent is clear and the choice
is wrong; viz., "Oh, you have such a lovely hairdo! I'm so jealous!"
Almost as annoying as "I'm anxious to see that movie!" (to which I
always reply, "Don't worry, I won't let you see it."; whereas if he or
she were EAGER to see the movie, I would not prevent it).
F. LeFever