>As the physicist Feynman said, the task is to concentrate on those things
>that can be proven.
THE task. How practical that there is just one, and one so oriented
on helping old lonely people, being there for children, and other
basics of human life.
...So if I get that one right if I were to invent a substance of
energies on ranges that can't be measured by Western science yet and
therefore not proven by him, and with them keep destroying 10 cm of
his body of every day, starting from the feet,
then the task is to ignore those energies and speculations about their
source(s) and concentrate on those things that can be proven.
>I think we have enough to keep us busy without being too concerned with that
>which cannot be proven.
LOL! Westie science pure.
So if just 1% of what is can be proven by Westie science, then the
idea seems to be to ignore 99% of reality.
Fits this room well.
Last powerful telepath I met went for my own areas in the brain.
Westies might babble loads of irxtlwrrkses but not get far enough in
understanding stuff about the brain that many people(s) around the
world have been knowing for thousands of year.
>The mind, when it reaches its limits, must make a judgement and choose its
Like how to extend limits?
(And as mentioned elseplace, some of the areas I count under "mind"
IMO can't think. The sequencer is the only other thinker in the brain
I know, but I do not know much about the brain stem.
And my sequencer is not likely to think much and choose conclusions.)