re- low uric acid and MS

Dr. Alan Wheatley rawheatley at canadalane.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 31 15:19:12 EST 1999

rcb5 at MSN.COM ("Ron Blue") wrote (7389, 29 Mar 1999)

>[Uric acid as a scavenger in oxidative stress]
>VERNACULAR TITLE:  A hugysav jelentp6ege az antioxidacios vedelemben.
>AUTHORS:  Staub M
>AUTHOR AFFILIATION:  Orvosi Vegytani, Molekularis Biologiai es Patobiokemiai
>Intezet, Semmelweis Orvostudomanyi Egyetem.
>SOURCE:  Orv Hetil 1999 Feb 7;140(6):275-9
>CITATION IDS:  PMID: 10071505 UI: 99170899

flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote (7396, 30 Mar 1999)

>Hmmm...  I have a vague impression I may have challenged you to produce
>such a reference, and here it is!  Provocative.  Hungarian, is it? 
>Will forward this to my work email as a reminder to look into it

Ron's point is supported by the following recent publication, which covers
very similar ground to the ?Hungarian paper cited above:

                   Uric Acid In EAE & Multiple Sclerosis
Hooper DC, Spitsin S, Kean RB, Champion JM, Dickson GM,Chaudhry I,
Koprowski H, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998 Jan 20;95(2):675-680
UI # 9435251
       Thomas Jefferson University,
       Center for Neurovirology,
       Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
       Philadelphia, PA 19107-6799
Abstract at:

What is intriguing me is why only uric acid? i.e., if the uric acid is
being depleted by oxidative stress, why are not other anti-oxidants
depleted also?


Dr. Alan Wheatley at http://www.canadalane.demon.co.uk

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