Re: UFOs "abductions" are imaginary:Bertrand Méheust

John johnhkm at netsprint.net.au
Wed Mar 31 15:22:19 EST 1999

Did a memory check, I was wrong. Persinger probably is the right bloke.

Persinger's work citations and criticisms of.


This link is a lengthy critique of Persinger's Tectonic Strain Theory, by
which Persinger argues that particular circumstances relating to the crust
give rise to unusual magnetic fields which do strange things to us the idea
alone does strange things to me.


His ciruculum vitae - refs to eletromagnetic fields etc and predicting UFO


The following link includes a reference to the electromagnetic radiation
stimulation of the temporal lobe creating abduction like experiences (last
paragraph). The
author claims this has been done for years but no refs.



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