>Could the "nonspecific" complaints of fatigue and impaired concentration be associated with this
>phenomenon, I wonder? I should be very interested to learn of evidence
>and/or opinions about this.
Maybe fatigue and impaired concentration see to that the persons rests
and doesn't make much action in other sectors, so that repair works
can be done more undisturbed.
With driving I guess if someone is wise and does not want to kill
persons, they should "listen" to the inside when it is O.K.
For me it started to get O.K. again about 10 months after a
concussion, and the months before and a few times before that I tried
to keep it to driving at night, when there were not that many people
An LSD-coming-down driving style I can recommend is: F... the signs
and give the sequencer order for a new driving style: If it can be
avoided don't get near humans or other mammals.
If at some stop light one can't avoid it, keep alert till they are at
enough distances again, and then just keep looking out for them
and far away from them.
As long as they are not in range one can't accidentally kill them.