low uric acid and MS

Ron Blue rcb5 at MSN.COM
Mon Mar 29 20:40:19 EST 1999

 [Uric acid as a scavenger in oxidative stress]
VERNACULAR TITLE:  A hugysav jelentp6ege az antioxidacios vedelemben.
AUTHOR AFFILIATION:  Orvosi Vegytani, Molekularis Biologiai es Patobiokemiai
Intezet, Semmelweis Orvostudomanyi Egyetem.
SOURCE:  Orv Hetil 1999 Feb 7;140(6):275-9
CITATION IDS:  PMID: 10071505 UI: 99170899
ABSTRACT:  Uric acid, the naturally occurring product of purine metabolism, is
widely used as a diagnostic parameter in different diseases. The concentration
of uric acid may vary between broad ranges without causing symptoms, like
idiopathic hyperuricemia, which behind metabolic disorders were always
suggested. Recently the uric acid has been shown as a strong scavenger of
oxidative stress molecules or radicals. Uric acid was successfully used to treat
experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, the mouse model of multiple sclerosis
(M. S.). It was shown, that patients with multiple sclerosis had significantly
lower levels of serum uric acid than the control persons. In addition,
statistical evaluation of more than 20 million patient records for the incidence
of MS and hyperuricemic gout revealed, that the hyperuricemia may protect
against MS.

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