UFOs "abductions" are imaginary:Bertrand Méheust

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Mar 29 21:52:35 EST 1999

In <7dmm70$2dp$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com> hemidactylus at my-dejanews.com
- - - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - -
>Others on this thread have discussed possible neuro-related
>which interest me, although I'm not too sure about them. I've heard
>discussion of a cortical region (temporal?) involved with religiousity
>superstition before, but haven't ever read any original references or
>possible criticisms.
>Scott Chase

As happens so often, I am embarassed by my inability to recall the
authors' names---WAIT A MINUTE!-- Bear and Fedio! (?? spelling of Fedio
looks wrong)

Anyway, they published a very influential paper a few years ago (MANY
years? e.g. c. 20??) listing some supposed personality characteristics
common in temporal lobe epilepsy (otherwise known as psychomotor
epilepsy, and nowadays officially "partial continuous epilepsy").

Religiosity was one of the prominent characteristics.  Another was
hypergraphia--i.e., writing a LOT, rather obsessively.  There have been
criticisms of this scheme over the years, including (I believe)
questions as to whether this pertains to temporal lobe sites
specifically, but I do not know the current status of these ideas.  (I
have dabbled in the field, but I am not an epileptologist.)

Someone posted a response saying Persinger had elicited
responses/experiences suggestive of UFO-abduction-type mentation by
magnetic stimulation of temporal lobe.  I know Persinger has written on
the subject, but I have a vague impression that he did not do actual
TMS; not a STRONG impression--could someone cite an article?  (In
Perceptual Motor Skills? his usual venue)

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychoology Group

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