a prediction confirmed

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Mar 29 12:40:32 EST 1999

kenpc at banet.net wrote:
>As for your "queries", I sent you a copy of AoK. 
Could you not send publish it here like some others asked before?

> And kindly, if you expect me to respond to anything more that you post, 
>stick concisely to the point, without circumlocution. 
I forgot how much you tend to stick to the point with conciseness.

>In the present circumstance such is unthinkably offensive. 
What why?

If I wanted to be offensive a bit I'd say to:
>I stand on what I've posted. 
Be careful that it does not get squeezed.  ;-)

> and it's almost too late with respect to the "USSR"... thousands of nucs, and all.

That one has been worrying me for a while as well.
And not just because of the instability there, but because I can't
exclude that if out for money someone might sell a few of them.

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