low uric acid and MS

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Mar 29 22:23:20 EST 1999

Hmmm...  I have a vague impression I may have challenged you to produce
such a reference, and here it is!  Provocative.  Hungarian, is it? 
Will forward this to my work email as a reminder to look into it

F. LeFever

In <016701be7a4d$828e8000$9b1cfbd0 at default> rcb5 at MSN.COM ("Ron Blue")
> [Uric acid as a scavenger in oxidative stress]
>VERNACULAR TITLE:  A hugysav jelentp6ege az antioxidacios vedelemben.
>AUTHORS:  Staub M
>AUTHOR AFFILIATION:  Orvosi Vegytani, Molekularis Biologiai es
>Intezet, Semmelweis Orvostudomanyi Egyetem.
>SOURCE:  Orv Hetil 1999 Feb 7;140(6):275-9
>CITATION IDS:  PMID: 10071505 UI: 99170899
>ABSTRACT:  Uric acid, the naturally occurring product of purine
metabolism, is
>widely used as a diagnostic parameter in different diseases. The
>of uric acid may vary between broad ranges without causing symptoms,
>idiopathic hyperuricemia, which behind metabolic disorders were always
>suggested. Recently the uric acid has been shown as a strong scavenger
>oxidative stress molecules or radicals. Uric acid was successfully
used to treat
>experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, the mouse model of multiple
>(M. S.). It was shown, that patients with multiple sclerosis had
>lower levels of serum uric acid than the control persons. In addition,
>statistical evaluation of more than 20 million patient records for the
>of MS and hyperuricemic gout revealed, that the hyperuricemia may
>against MS.

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