a prediction confirmed

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Mar 28 15:58:13 EST 1999


kenpc at banet.net wrote:

> the NATO bombing greatly elevated TD E/I leading
>to low-level supersystem configurations (amygdala, ap5) with
>stereotypical "rage" behavior... 
Did I just interpret this right that you are trying to say that all
three parts of the amygdala are to do with rage behaviour or something
like that? I hope not.

What are you referring to with LOW-LEVEL SUPERsystem configurations?

>the bombing disconnected the higher-level information-processing mechanisms

A bit generalized and simplified.

If having a war going or generally situations pretty dangerous for the
own survival, maybe that is not the time where you are that much into
contemplating decorative furnishing tendencies in books of Science
Fiction authors of the past,
if Pippi is right in predicting stomach troubles concerning apples 
& the importance of "plutimication"
or whatever you were referring to with higher-level information

But since being at simplifying if there is a load of stuff hammering
out of the fifth emotion generator (adrenal glands) 
a simple and fast processing between areas might save time, cost less
to keep up and be more efficient when it comes to fast reactions.
And I'd be pretty early for reprogramming pain perception stuff, too,
and might support according internal alterations a lot.

I am not sure if the bombing as such would trigger the aggressions or
a bomb killing my friend, relative, destroying my house and a lot of
work and of what I liked in life, 
and also I myself am not parts of my amygdala nor my third emotion
generator, and therefore my own version of aggressions is not
necessarily the ones of third.

Nor would I want to generalize all human brains in such, as I do not
recall meeting anyone exactly like me, but very many different people.

If the fifth emotion generator releases cortisol and there is a change
in (?)neurotrophic stuff and then reductions, this is old, 
and does not necessarily take bombings, 
nor is it a big act to predict that when there are bombings that such
might take place.

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