Schizophrenia in Split-Brain Individuals

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Mar 29 16:06:26 EST 1999

> frontal lobeabnormalities in schizophrenia, making self-control and self-monitoring

> that the role of the prefrontal cortex in "source memory" might be relevant here 
A source, and as it is not like the own base memory, but more like an
external front computer with (among other stuff) detail data, I find
just "source memory" wrong.

>(i.e. some frontal lesions can
>impair awareness of where/when/how one saw or heard something although
>memory of the event is ottherwise intact).

You might be confusing memory in mentioned base with frontal memory,
in other words if part of the own "ground-system" would be intact and
the front damaged, one would be intact and the other damaged.
Resulting in that according base memory system stuff would still be
there, but not the detail data of the front computer.

>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>New York Neuropsychology Group

(Oh, hadn't looked at the writer, that's why there were not even
differentiations between the memory systems of the own and the
sequencer's "CPU", nor within. ...I find your theories interesting.)

>In <SPR990325160138-15257 at kauri.vuw.ac.nz> "Nathan Chronister"
><evolution at catskill.net> writes: 
>>In 1976, Julian Jaynes hypothesized that schizophrenia is the result
>of right hemisphere brain activity generating hallucinated speech in the
>left hemisphere. 
Sometimes when I had been at transiting into sleep I had it happen
that for a moment there was  garbled voice or other tone stuff in my
head, and if I recall correctly on the left side. 
Don't know where it came from, but my first guess would be
if going behind the ear, more downwards and then to the inside a bit,
that it was from somewhere there.

But that might have been something different.

> If this hypothesis is correct, schizophrenia should not
>occur in split-brain individuals (those lacking the corpus callosum and
>anterior commisures). 

Someone once bssped through my phone magically, because before he had
not gotten yet that that is possible and seemed to find it funny 
(I found it less funny) and energies of it reached the left ear,
though the phone was on the right.

Another once did stuff to do with hallucinating on LSD and if I recall
right ranged out of it with the left neocortex brain half before the

All in all I guess I fail to perceive why it is important, as the
training how to shift to non-hallu ranges should be adapted to the
person and not the person to some theories.
If several specialized in magic and hallucinating failed, then one can
still start to speculate.

Here hallucinating is seen as a Red Indian healers & practicers of
magic speciality, with many centuries if not thousands of years of
research data behind, and from that point of view there might also be
the questions if the alternatives of getting a decent training there
for someone hallucinating have been considered properly.

In other words it might be better for a person seeking fast help,
especially if not into logic, if telling them where Pine Ridge,
Hundorf or some other places are and the cheapest way to move the own
butt there, then to speculate forever and a day  what might be the
causes of their problems,
to some day maybe coming up with certain sectors energies being on odd
ranges, so that similar to many people dreaming at night stuff is
generated and mistaken for real.


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