Feeling like throwing in a fit of "primitiveness" let me go for
nationalistic stuff:
Here in the Realm of the Grumps we tended to hit each other on the
head till some to do with this city here conquered the rest and sort
of force-united folks, after which folks here got bored and tried to
hit a lot of the rest of the world on the head.
After that was reduced we are back to hitting each other on the head
but after pumping a lot of money with vultures on the goins into
European stuff, who knows...
Somewhere within there some got bored hitting each other on the head
here and hopped over The Channel to hit the Celts a little on the
The idea of boating around and hitting people on the head and claiming
the territory was also supported by Norman anceStory, so they thought
that a cool variance to go shipping around, singing "rule Britannia,
Britannia rule the wa-a-aves".
Someone said something along the lines of ils sont fous, lex Romains,
referring to people who liked to walk round and hit others on the
head, who when at it came up with "Britannia". The according Britannia
figure with a helmet representing symbolically that then it hurts less
if someone should be so nasty as to hit you back onto the head.
Now among all this the concept was lost, that Earth belongs to all
of Earth. And is not just territory of people who hit or are hitting
each other on the head deviding it up.
So when they thought about who might be in space some got convinced,
that it must be people shipping around
and hitting others in more modern ways on the head.
At some point when hitting each other one the head
they burned their carriers of magic knowledge, as the new religion
declaring to be the voice of some god into "loving your next one like
yourself" demanded. So that people no longer understood how some bloke
about 2000 years ago probably helped blind people, why he might have
often had yellowish energy ranges around his head and how one makes
these and what they are good for within healing, etc.
With that the idea got lost, that others (similar to powerful
magicians contacting other brains Earthwide) might perceive what is in
someone's head & body without it being needed to abduct them,
and that all it takes is vibing subataomically in on the right ranges
and then you get neat subatomic data, can alter stuff, etc.
Therefore mentioned Anglo-Saxons do not have the monopoly concerning
being hit on the head or abused in other forms by someone from a ship.