>I have been told EEG freq. can be linked with intelligence.. is this true?
For EEG I don't know, but on LSD if I manage to reach magic brain
energy perception level nine in a brain giving me free access (both
rare), for some areas there, energy ranges stuff has to do with what
some might call intelligence.
Might not make sense to you, but for me a brain is of akasha in
certain stages, and from that point of view your questions sounds
weird to me, more like you do not understand that.
Simplified if I reprogram a brain on LSD for magic stuff, then I alter
a lot of brain akasha in some of the neocortex areas to do with energy
ranges, but that does not mean that the limbic own I of the other is
starting to process data logically in a wise and intelligent way.
What might come close to your question is that I noticed that there
seem to be quite some range differences to do with genetic stuff
and quite some sector cooperation differences to do with
different cultures educating people different.