infant stimulation: intelligence

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Mar 28 15:57:02 EST 1999

(For folks just into neuro-data: SKIP.)

>Cannot check now, but I think she did take the monkey, and rode into
>class, but the teacher made her take the horse at least outside.
I believe that that was a different one, the one I mean IF I recall
right has a part in it with the police guy chasing her as he wants her
to go into a children's "home", and ending up on the roof with her
removing the ladder and him stuck up there.

The police guy not wanting to get what she meant when she said that
she already is in a children's home, as the place she lived in was her

And when reading avbout her it is pretty obvious that she prefers her
own "stimulation of intelligence" over a program designed for masses
of children not heeding the individual much.

> but perhaps more starvation.. 
Depends on the amount of people, and there are enough other peoples
who control the birth rate.

One tribe likes a thousand, of another I heard that they thought it
right that a woman would not get children before being about thirty,
and then just two.

If there were few humans and hundreds of square kilometers of
completely natural land per person there'd be a lot of food in many
places on the planet for all humans and many others.

>and superstition...
Woould it be better if a person whose partner after 50 years of
marriage died would watch the maggots eat away the face of the other
till the skull starts to grin at her, and have to handle that that IS
the other one, no soul, no reincarnation, Walhalla, Eternal Hunting
Grounds, Heaven, path along the Milky Way to where the nice tent
places and grounds of the dead are, ...?  Ever considered the impcts
on society?

Or ever considered how long with people not into logic it would take
if they were hallucinating and instead of an amulet you'd go for
You could spend years and not get far, and maybe drive the person kill
himself, where other people within some hours or days see to that he
is content enough, does not bother society much, does his tasks there,
and has good chances to find what is important for stability of the
psyche, friends and a partner.
For some it is easier to believe that the maggot filled corpse is just
a hull and not what is left of whom they love(d) und hugged,
and for some it is important that they have external stuff to believe
in when internally they are not strong enough, 
and for some who have a bad life it is important to believe that
afterwards there is something nice.

And even if you get that the corpse is what is left and know that the
belief of that just being a hull and the other being elseplace is not
so, and that the Westie belief that there is just a hull not sensing
anything anymore is not so,
then what?

If I wanted to take the corpse of a person, for getting him in a chair
on the table of the death party with other friends,
and then stick him in a hammock some place near the home of his family
or close friends till they decide it's time to move him into some
deads' mount or some other place where one can still visit dead
ancestors and friends,  I do not believe that that would go without
resistance from those trying to tell others what to do.

You yourself have the superstition that your race is so valuable that
it is correct if members of your valuable race do harm to others of
other races just to find out stuff about themselves because the others
are so neatly similar to the own race, 
I have my superstitions as well.

If (then no longer) humans were like calculating machines and emotions
and belief of the past, the world might get more boring on many

>and perhaps more epidemies... if we go natural enough. 
When our ancestors were natural enough they did not get them in in big
loads via people coming in on horses, boats, cars, trains,  planes,
Nor did they breed new ones on intention.

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