>> >Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
>> Rather not, I don't want that many quarrels.
>>Who misunderstands what here? Ci.. will not [quarrel?] with others
>because she wants others to be able to [quarrel] with her without
>necessarily having to [quarrel] back? Beats me.
Shall I ring at your door short of midnight, feed you with coke,
chocolate, cigarettes and in the next hours pop several trips into
you, maybe starting with a "4er picture", and once your pupils gated
start altering stuff in your brain and then target for yourself, in
between putting in two tapes at once, like Rondo Veneziano & Cosmic
Baby? And in between tune our brains a little for the artificial
"cancering" ranges, though in your age I am not sure what would happen
if one would? And for example with you then in a most charming way
go on speculating about your age and differeences to younger folks?
If I really wnted to quarrel with you I'd tell you what I really think
of someone imprisoning, maiming and killing persons of other races to
find out more about the sleep of his race,
and if it'd start to bug me more I might be tempted to find out
exactly how hrd it would be up there to abduct someone and then do to
you and some other neuros as you have been doing to persons of other
And that to me sounds like some nicer form of quarreling,
because as long as one just goes that there are I areas in the limbic
system and that it wrong to imprison and abuse persons of other races,
you'll go on,
but if you knew that there were groups of humans who might do to you
as you do to persons of other races, then you might finally start to
consider if you stop you gross deeds to others,
or at least reduce them so that if the same was done to you or your
relatives, you'd have less trouble with it inside.
There are people who understand only if it is done to them
what they are doing to others.
And referring to Essences of Man
one of the first coming to mind (apart from [H-] Y [-Anitgen] ) is
I doubt it is chance that comparing the number of men and women of the
human race within neuro doing harm to persons of other races compared
is showing a vast difference.
Humans are the most violent and most sadistic animals I know,
in averge males even more than females.
... More seriously I regard humans as being of akasha in certain
And such area for example of White and Grey Magic and not Westie
(Short summoning up that I do not feel like going on about long:)
If the essence of some humans should interest you for serious, learn
"seeing", learn to "run tones as colour patterns in part of the
cingulate gyrus till enough structure perceptions", as the other brain
to hold occipital link on "fog-beam-like connection ranges" and (maybe
on LSD) dock off your own limbic centers very far from not-own-areas,
go for own cingulate perceptions of energies of the other and then
"out along them" into the other cingulte, and then tune within your
and the other for different areas, transcopy enough hardware data to
get the brains compatible enough for this form of subtomically very
powerful linking, and then you can study the structure of some male
I recommend as a starter to keep off stuff in the back half of the
head apart from neocortex & cingluate shareware.
Especially internal regulaters.)
>Left brain damage, me?
How do you mean that one?
To Dag:
Talking about brain damage, referring to stuff you mentioned short of
equinox, here some drugged impressions and some sober dreaming ones,
don't know if those ones were all correct:
When I was vampiring into occiptal energies of a dreamer it did not
seem good to disturb him when he was going to sleep as he might wake
up, when dreaming it was difficult to tune with the odd energy ranges
and when I got the occpital cortex to start to follow what I wanted it
to follow, energy raanges were far more narrow nd concentrtion lower
than if the owner of the brain had been awake, and in the deep sleep
phases in between I felt I'd cause health damages if I were to go on.
Then I left the other brain alone nd just on and off phexed in to
watch if the other was dreaming again.
I had the impression that not more than the first 2-3 dreaming stages
should be used.
When with someone else I did not heed that, he woke up later feeling
pretty bad.
Since he had wanted me to magically play around with part of his brain
energies he did not complain a lot, and even wanted me to go on, as he
ws one badly after magic data, but I guess to disturb the deep sleep
ones or to disturb too often in other phases is not good.
The second one was different than the first, and had said that he
believes that something is different concerning his sleep, the first
had a pretty systematic going between dreaming and deep sleep stages.
Sending in magic ranges in deep sleep was a bit like sending a wave
over a beach, sort of ebbing out and not the usual reaction.
Did not seem meant for activities the way I sent in.
In own dreams I noticed that sometimes stuff from the day pops up and
that stuff making no sense is connected to sense and that emotion
generator stuff is running on different settings, also there are
differences concerning other areas and recording.
Going for merry theorizing and guessing around, "stuff sticking out"
in the dream phases is energied off into pictures that are tried to be
made sense off, then deep sleep relaxing, then stuff still running too
far up going to pictures and emotions again, then deep sleep relaxing.
Like when going from low energy to dreaming what is still there making
powerful signals going into dreams and then relaxing again.
The deep sleep ones seemed so resisting to energies being sent in
and to cooperating the way they tend to if the person is awake and
leaving me central energy control, that I do not exclude some sort of
blocking system seeing to that the according structures can relax
Carlos Castaneda mentions semething along the line of uniting dream
and awake phases seeing to what you folks call schizophrenia.
Sort of interesting to contemplate the other way around, too, I find.