I didn't "frown" on the question; I simply tried to summarize the long
history of this idea rather succinctly.
Just like the cold fusion idea, there are some who continue to believe
in it, but most do not.
As the report from the Polish Academy of Sciences said, "There is no
scientific evidence that two men can produce a child--BUT, the
experiments continue!"
Should I "smile" on the question by saying "Oh, yes, what a novel--and
probably correct--idea" ?
To the extent that generalized EEG slowing can be indicative of
impaired function (in a wide variety of pathological conditions), it is
reasonable to think that there might be such a link, but so far as I
know, it has been difficult to demonstrate one. However, it may be
that the problem lies more with definition and measurement of
"intelligence" than with measurement of EEG parameters.
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Grooup
In <7dj3vc$okl at bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net> "k.renstein"
<kenneth.grant at worldnet.att.net> writes:
>>This idea came from a neurologist i once knew. And Mr. Lefever, why do
>on questions from others trying to learn more?
>F. Frank LeFever <flefever at ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
>news:7devh2$egb at sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com...>> In <7dej6i$htd$1 at bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net> "k.renstein"
>> <kenneth.grant at worldnet.att.net> writes:
>> >
>> >I have been told EEG freq. can be linked with intelligence.. is
>> true?
>> >
>> >
>> I think the history of this idea is a little bit like the history of
>> cold fusion...
>>>> F. LeFever