UFOs "abductions" are imaginary:Bertrand Méheust

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Mar 27 21:53:01 EST 1999

Do you have any references for sophisticated and mature Anglo-Saxons?

F. LeFever

In <7dfkop$b6j$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com> patanie at my-dejanews.com writes: 
>Here are 2 important references for those naive and immature
Anglo-Saxons who
>continue to believe in "extraterrestrial" "abductions" :
>Bertrand Méheust, qui fut l’un des précurseurs de l’anthropologie des
> 1.Science-fiction et soucoupes volantes, Paris, Mercure de France,
1978 ;
>(Science-fiction and Flying Saucers,Mercure de France editor,Paris
> 2.En soucoupes volantes. Vers une ethnologie des récits
>Paris, Imago, 1992.
>(Aboard Flying Saucers. Towards an Ethnology of abductees'stories.
> Imago editor,Paris 1992,France)
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