The secretin idea came in for discussion in one of the neuropsychology
listservers (i.e. listserver for neuropsychologists, not an open
newsgroup) a few months ago, and the consensus was that the evidence so
far was very shaky, inconclusive.
So far as this study goes, some obvious questions suggest themselves:
improved behavior simply on the basis of relief of ANY disturbing
(peripheral) condition? Hawthorne or placebo effect? Any double blind
precautions? If pre- and post-treatment evaluations made by members of
study team, role of child's greater familiarity and ease with examiners
on post-treatment occasion?
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <36FCF515.664D at> Marcello Spinella
<marshmallow at> writes:
>>This might be of interest:
>>J Assoc Acad Minor Phys 1998;9(1):9-15
>>Improved social and language skills after secretin administration in
>patients with autistic spectrum disorders.
>>Horvath K, Stefanatos G, Sokolski KN, Wachtel R, Nabors L, Tildon JT
>>>We report three children with autistic spectrum disorders who
>upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and intravenous administration of
>secretin to stimulate pancreaticobiliary secretion. All three had an
>increased pancreaticobiliary secretory response when compared with
>nonautistic patients (7.5 to 10 mL/min versus 1 to 2 mL/min). Within 5
>weeks of the secretin infusion, a significant amelioration of the
>children's gastrointestinal symptoms was observed, as was a dramatic
>improvement in their behavior, manifested by improved eye contact,
>alertness, and expansion of expressive language. These clinical
>observations suggest an association between gastrointestinal and brain
>function in patients with autistic behavior.
>>PMID: 9585670, UI: 98246761