What does the backgorund frequency in an EEG tell you?

k.renstein kenneth.grant at worldnet.att.net
Sat Mar 27 12:19:40 EST 1999

This idea came from a neurologist i once knew. And Mr. Lefever, why do frown
on questions from others trying to learn more?
F. Frank LeFever <flefever at ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
news:7devh2$egb at sjx-ixn10.ix.netcom.com...
> In <7dej6i$htd$1 at bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net> "k.renstein"
> <kenneth.grant at worldnet.att.net> writes:
> >
> >I have been told EEG freq. can be linked with intelligence.. is this
> true?
> >
> >
> I think the history of this idea is a little bit like the history of
> cold fusion...
> F. LeFever

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