John wrote:
>> Didn't some neurologist in Britain claim a few years ago that he could
> induce UFO abductions experiences via magnetic field stimulation of the
> temporal lobes? Is this the equivalent of watching too much TV? Sorry to be
> so vague, but I'm sure this was reported.
This sounds a little like the work of Michael Persinger, a Canadian
psychologist. He certainly has done work on the temporal lobes, I think
including stimulating them with magnetic fields. The effects as I
recall were that the subjects sometimes had mystical experiences when
stimulated in their temporal lobes, but I can't remember the details.
Persinger's work was profiled in OMNI magazine some 5-10 years back, and
he wrote a book called _The Neuropsychological Bases of God Beliefs_.
John E Anderson
Department of Natural Sciences
University of North Florida
Jacksonville FL