(crossposted ng's trimmed)
In article <7dfkop$b6j$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>,
patanie at my-dejanews.com wrote:
>>> Here are 2 important references for those naive and immature Anglo-Saxons who
> continue to believe in "extraterrestrial" "abductions" :
>> References:
>> Bertrand Méheust, qui fut lun des précurseurs de lanthropologie des
> extraterrestres:
>> 1.Science-fiction et soucoupes volantes, Paris, Mercure de France, 1978 ;
>> (Science-fiction and Flying Saucers,Mercure de France editor,Paris 1978.)
>> 2.En soucoupes volantes. Vers une ethnologie des récits denlèvements,
> Paris, Imago, 1992.
>> (Aboard Flying Saucers. Towards an Ethnology of abductees'stories.
> Imago editor,Paris 1992,France)
I'm assuming these references deal with the neurobiology of UFO beliefs in
some way, perhaps? Or is it more like the neuropsychology of imagination.
Has anybody compared the fMRI's of X-files watchers versus nonwatchers. Maybe
there is relevance to Brodmann's area 51 ;-)
Scott Chase
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