Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Mar 25 13:44:39 EST 1999

(Start referring to parts of some older neuropost.)

>>How do our brains analyze temporal structure in sound?
>...violet alert to name the health factor.
(of tuning on LSD for ranges where too many artificial ones disturb.)
>Apart from that I am not fool enough to believe that I can get all
>areas of my brain with all subareas to tune for temporal subareas
>subatomically and analyze them in sound,
>to then observe the how.

Fizzled a little around and gave up on temporal, as apart from violet
alert I did not seem to get all I sensed of it to react to
sound-tuning for them, just part; but I discovered that if keeping the
sound-tuning short enough to just get vague link and not boost tuning
into artificial ranges and violet alert too far, and then akasha tune
for the third eye and sort of softly flux and then tune occipital for
subtomic internal and external "energies pervasion", trying to get it
to sort of like a background screen (but felt to lack enough prallel
tracks for that), that going on from there might be an interesting
start-out for a lot of other stuff.
But wasn't used to it being so dark, nor to LSA, and the other also
ran  different sort of stuff, so it ended with him having a bad
headache in the frontal cortex, for which I am not used to tune much
and regard it like part of the other's (external) CPU,
and with him feeling dizzy and in other forms imbalanced, to the point
that he started to worry me.

He had let me tune as central for our shareware and I had forgotten
that his sharewre was not used to many of the ranges I used  
and also I am pretty used to practicers of magic simply tuning me out
if I blunder too much for their taste. 
But maybe if one were to go to some underground cave deep enough so
tht the lasty artificial ranges stop being in the way and give the
other brain more pause to retune back to settings more natural for the
other shareware and not keep it too long far from own tunings, then it
might work better.

Seemed an interesting one to me.

There's another one when mirror playing, where you focus on the nose
and smell, on LSD try to keep it from shifting to hallucinating, and
then go for behind the ears more downwards inside a bit tuning for
high ranges. From that one one can go on to others.
Or another is to focus to the nose till "seeing" it in the mirror, and
then also tune in the skin of the forehead and then tune through
subataomic stuff for the front, and from there shift to other
neocortex places. Tried that one also with some conscenting victim 
while we were on LSD tuning for both and then trying to go for
parietal energy ranges. Interesting.

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