>If we sit down in the field and look to a mountain, we would be using,
>just with our vision, probably more than 20% of the brain (visual cortex
>alone occupies 25% of our brain), let alone all the thoughts that come to
>our mind in such a pleasant environment.
I guess if I were bothering to perceive what is up outside, instead of
nothing or some randomly aware blurrs, and take eye-control from the
sequencer and sort of download me external data, I might not have that
many capacities left for "all the thoughts" you indicate.
Optics and motorics sucks, don't know if they are 20-25%, for me they
more tend to be ways over hundred percent each.
That is the advantage to leave optics to the sequencer;
as it has the capacities to supervise motoric sequences, it also seems
to have enough to get an idea of where the body is
and to run optics a main central control most of the time.
So then I can have more tracks for thinking.
Your WEing reminds me of many USies, there I heard such used most.
But your name does not sound overly so, so maybe there are some other
araes where people also tend to do so a lot.
Where do you live, and is it custom there that people mean themselves
or just a small group but say "we" though speaking internationally to
people of many cultures?
If you perceive such as a culture trait, how would you say it
influences your thinking?