> Our Lord allows these things to happen for a reason. His plan for our lives (as well as humanity)
>can never be fully understood.
Who is your lord, and if there are plans for humanity, you can tell
him that there are those of humanity who are not even interested in
understanding what some other person is having for plans as long as
the other is not out for nerding, playing alpha animal or interesting
I know bunches of persons with bunches of names and title stuff with
bunches of plans for humanity.
I guess there is an old symbol of Lucifer the Lightangel,
a being of enery who created without bothering if what he created was
in harmony with the rest. Evil.
Guess when planning stuff ahead and being so considerate as to plan
for individuals who are not even asked if they like it, maybe one
could keep that within pondered perception.
>We are born into a dark and sinful world.
I was more awre of the world as loads of energy ranges and sin stuff
to be of some bible folks.
Maybe in some bible room or some other place wiith people of the
credo ergo sum sort you would find more people interested in
discussing such ... ?
>Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Rather not, I don't want that many quarrels.
> Arguments can cause barriers that limit the flow of
>productive understanding :-)
So best we avoid them, all put US-smiles on our faces and barriers of
politeness ... And then we produce and produce? ;-)