neuron triggering

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Mar 24 18:28:58 EST 1999

>>>Once a second messenger signalling mechanism
>>>cuts loose and starts to phosphorylate all sorts of
>>>cell proteins, and possibly starts activating gene
>>>control mechanisms
Wouldn't mind a longer version on that. 

>>Is there another way that the neurons firing voltage can
>>change besides your above exampl
I believe the centers of the two "big" CPUs of the brain I mentioned,
(parts of) a third (base) one, first and third emotion generator stuff
and maybe some other systems can alter a lot. Fifths and maybe seventh
emotion generator (which are in the body) in a way, too. But that
might suck.

But like myself I do not believe that any of the other systems aim for
single neurons.
Magically regarded there is so much subatomic magic communication that
I guess if looking at that one and which ones are a lot to do with
that and which ones are axony ones, that that might help to understand
correlations  if being into such, just that among LSD folks or
elseplace I never met anyone fanatically enough after such stuff 
to delve into that for a long time.  
Guess that might be more something for MS folks.
(If maybe in the future after all someone into magic dares to link the
own with such a brain to teach.)

> in some cells,
 Which ones?
>the action potential back fires 
> from the axon hillock into the soma
>and that, too, influences charge distribution in the
>post-synaptic that remains from earlier synapses.

Longer version?

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