artifact and eeg

Heiko Tietze tietze at psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de
Thu Mar 25 06:45:09 EST 1999

Nice usegroup - why isn't it available on usenet ?
Last discussed in 92, I couldnt find any link. So here again: Is there a
way to determine artifacts with at least 99% hits ? My amplitude based
handling detects aprox. 90% but I'm not shure about the other trials,
which has been controlled visual, resulting in a very bad averaging. My
idee is to use the variance of the channels by single point
(disimilarity) and/or the deviation from SD over the whole trial for a
single channel. The first might detect eye-blinks, the second a
shifting. The classical method with power at spectral bands could be
applicated too. Is this a good way and primary where can I find progs or
source code for it ?
Thanks and regards Heiko.

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