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U L T R A M E D, I N C.
Grosse Pointe Farms
MI 48236
email: ultramedco at worldnet.att.net
ULTRAMED, INC. has available for immediate sale equipment as
described in attached INVENTORY LIST NO. 99111. All equipment has been
used in research and/or clinical applications. Note: complete list
is approx. twelve pages.
Many of these items are priced as low as ten percent of original
cost. We believe that this represents exceptional value for quality
equipment from leading manufacturers. The equipment is believed to be
in very good to excellent operating condition but is offered on an AS IS
basis at these prices.
Call or write for further information. Thanking you and
hoping that we may be able to help with your equipment needs.
NO. 99111
TOSHIBA Ultrasound equipment is usually available at our client
facilities or in stock. INQUIRE
SHIMADZU Model SDU-700 Sector/Linear Diagnostic Ultrasound System. With
Doppler and (1) 3.5 Mhz Sector Probe, (1) 2.5 Mhz Sector probe with CW/PW
Doppler, (1) Sony UP-850 printer and optional VTR. Does echo-
cardiography, general purpose abdominal applications, and doppler echo.
This is an exceptionally clean system with very versatile capabilities.
All imaging probes are phased array sector type for trouble free imaging.
BIOSOUND "PHASE II" Vascular imaging system. With 10 Mhz PHASAR probe.
Extremely high resolution vascular imaging. Ideal for research and/or
general vascular imaging. Both in-line and side-looking doppler.
Biosound 256 gray level technology and ultra-high (0.2mm) resolution
provide exceptional image clarity and detail. (2) units are
available. INQUIRE
TOSHIBA 'Sonolayer' Model SAL-38AS General purpose Linear/Sector
ultraound imaging system. With 3.0 Mhz Linear probe (PLB-310M)
and 3.5 Mhz sector probe (SM-308M). OB Calculations software. INQUIRE
PHILIPS Model SDR-1200 Portable ultrasound imaging system with
3.5 Mhz imaging probe (LA-3510) Comes with cart and additional
monitor. INQUIRE
PROSCAN by TEKNAR (Now Carolina Electronics) Prostate scanner
with bi-plane trans-rectal probe. $3,750.00
ATL MK-450 Ultrasound system. General purpose imaging and
doppler when used with Model 721B or 724B scanhead. Furnished
with 721B (3.0Mhz) scanhead. Others available. No VTR.
Comes with ATL multi-format camera. $1,200.00
ATL MK-300I General purpose ultrasound system. Comes with
Multi-format camera and choice of 720A or 723A scanhead. $1,000.00
ATL PROBES Models 722A and 723A for MK-300/MK-450 systems. call for $
ATL Model 724A Multi Frequency probe for MK-300/450 (2) call for $
IMEX Model 301-P Vascular doppler system with 8.0 Mhz. doppler
transducer and strip chart recorder. $ 750.00
MEDASONICS 'Versatone' Fetal & Vascular doppler. 2.0 & 5.0Mhz. $ 350.00
IMEX "POCKET DOP-II" Fetal heart beat dopplers ( 3.0 Mhz). Can also
be used for vascular work with 8Mhz probe available from IMEX. $ 300.00 Ea
MULTIGON Model 500A CW doppler unit. Can be used for vascular
and umbilical cord doppler studies. An integral spectrum
analyzer provides bi-directional doppler traces and output can
be recorded on VTR or Printer (not included). Comes with
5.0 Mhz CW doppler probe. $650.00
PARKS Model 806-CA Bi-Directional doppler with 9.0 Mhz probe. $500.00
HEMODAYNAMICS Model AV-1000 Peripheral vascular diagnostic
system. Designed to indicate the presence of deep vein
thrombosis or venus incompetence. This system uses Light
Reflection Rheography to measure microscopic changes in the
dermal plexus that occur when a limb is exercised. Operation
is similar to photo plethysmography or impedance plethysmography
but the mfg. claims more sensitivity. INQUIRE
MATRIX 1010-6 VIDEO IMAGER. The 1010-6 is a six on one
microprocessor controlled multi format imager for use with
ultrasound, C-Arms, Nuclear medicine and other electronic
imaging systems. Uses 8" x 10" BW film. INQUIRE
SPACELABS Model 90623A ECG, (2) Pressure (2) Temperature and
respiration channel. With 90651 recorder. Trend feature. $ 850.00
SPACELABS Model 90623A Same as above except no recorder. $ 600.00
SPACELABS Model 90603A ECG, (2) Pressure (2) Temperature and
pulse (plethysmography type) with 90651 recorder and trend. $ 850.00
SPACELABS Model 514 with 551 recorder. Does ECG, Pulse,
(2) Pressure and temperature. Has trend feature. $ 750.00
SPACELABS (Tektronix) Model 414 Opt. 21 Monitor. $ 425.00
AIR-SHIELDS Model AS-461 Neonatal monitor. No recorder. $ 450.00
Designed to monitor ECG, Respiration, Apnea and Temp.
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78354-C Patient monitor. ECG with
trends amd two invasive pressure channels. No recorder
output. This is the latest of the 78534 series monitors. $ 950.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78354-A Patient monitor. ECG with
non-invasive blood pressure and one channel of invasive
pressure. With H.P. Model 78173W strip chart recorder. $1,250.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78353-A Patient Monitor. ECG, (2)
invasive pressures, (2) Temperature inputs. * $ 650.00
With H.P. Model 78172A (2) channel recorder.* $1,000.00
H.P. 78339 carts are also available.
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78801 Neonate monitors. ECG, RESP and
some have invasive B.P. (2) available. Ideal VET units. $ 450.00
DATASCOPE 'ACCUSAT' Pulse Oximeter. With Finger probe. $ 500.00
NELLCOR N-100C Pulse Oximeters. 5 button model. Can supply
with or without preamp cable and finger sensor. INQUIRE
MARQUETTE "CASE 12" Stress Test System with Marquette 1800
treadmill. System is in exceptional condition. $6,800.00
DMI "SIMPLICITY-I" Compact full disclosure holter monitor.
Provides a full disclosure report automatically. Comes with
a Spacelabs Model 90205 Holter recorder.. $2,450.00
HOLTER RECORDERS Spacelabs Models 90205 and 90201 INQUIRE
MENNEN Telemetry system. (4) Patient system with (4)
transmitters and central station receiver w/ recorder. $1,600.00
QUINTON Q-TEL-400 Telemetry system. Four channel system with
Three transmitters included. Many features. $2,250.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Telemetry sets Model 78100/78101. Transmitter
and matching receiver. (6) available) $ 450.00 ea
with TOCO and Ultrasound transducers. 78100 receiver with
80140 adapter for connection to 8040 Fetal monitor. Can be
used as stand alone units (for research applications only)
with suitable power supply for 80140. (2) sets available $ 500.00 ea
HEWLETT-PACKARD 78801B Neonate monitors. These are ideal for
vet medicine. ECG, pressure and respiration channels. $ 450.00 Ea
TEKTRONIX 413A Neonate monitors. ECG, Pressure and Respiration.$ 350.00 Ea
TEKTRONIX 408 ECG monitors. Basic unit. $ 200.00
MENNEN Model 744 Patient Monitors. ECG only. Storage scope. $ 285.00 Ea
MENNEN Patient Monitor with recorder. Does ECG & Respiration. $ 375.00 D
MENNEN Model 740 with recorder. ECG only. $ 475.00
Note: Patient cables are not included with VET monitors
but we can supply customized cable sets with alligator clips
or other electrodes of your choice at additional cost.
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 4760A 'PAGEWRITER' Electrocardiograph.
Full alphanumeric keyboard to input Patient data. Advanced
signal processing and internal ECG storage. Convenient
one page records of 12 lead ECG. Full operator control
over recording formats. $1,500.00
CARDIOLINE 'DELTA 30D' compact INTERPRETIVE 12 lead ECG. $1,250.00
(12) lead ECG. Compact unit with the world renowned quality
of Nihon-Kohden. Many features. $1,700.00
compact unit. AC or Battery operation. Many features. $1,250.00
CAMBRIDGE VS-550 EKG single channel. $ 350.00
CAMBRIDGE (Picker) Model CM-3000 ten lead (3) channel ECG $ 650.00
BURDICK E-310 ten lead (3) channel ECG. $1,150.00
MARQUETTE MAC-I three channel 12 lead EKG. $ 350.00 D
CAMBRIDGE VS-500 Single Channel ECG. Some cosmetic
damage on case but works fine. Good Vet unit. $ 200.00
FUKUDA-DENSHI compact portable ECG. Battery operated with
ac charger. (4" X 6" X 9") Ideal for field work. (1) channel $ 275.00
SEISMED "SEISMOCARDIOGRAPH" Model SCG-2000. This is a highly
specialized instrument that combines ECG with SEISMOCARDIOGRAPHY
for increased diagnostic accuracy. A preliminary multi center trial
validated this technology in 1992. This unit sold for over
$20,000.00 in 1992 and appears in pristine condition. Ideal for
research. $1,200.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78171A Strip Chart Recorder. $ 150.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78534C Monitor/Terminal with 78553A
Pressure module. Does (2) Channels of EKG and Two Pressures
and Two Temperature inputs. $ 750.00
STRIP CHART RECORDERS: a variety of H.P. recorders are available. INQUIRE
PHYSIO-CONTROL 'Lifestat 200' NIBP with printer. $ 750.00
AIR-SHEILDS (Healthdyne) Model BP-203NA. NIBP with printer. $ 350.00
DATASCOPE ACCUTOR-2A NIBP monitor (no printer) $ 650.00
CRITIKON Model 847XT Neonate N.I.B.P. monitors. Ideal for
veterinary medicine. $ 550.00 Ea
CRITIKON Model 845 N.I.B.P. monitor. With hose and cuff. $ 450.00
PHYSIO-CONTROL 'LIFESTAT 100' NIBP. With charger. This unit
is 'beat up' cosmetically but works fine. $ 200.00
KENDALL System 9200 N.I.B.P. monitors with cuff. $ 225.00 D
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 43110A with monitor and strip chart
recorder. (3) units available INQUIRE
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78660A Defibrillator with monitor
strip chart recorder and charger. INQUIRE
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 78672A Defibrillator NO MONITOR with
Model 78668 charger base. INQUIRE
Note: Operating (open heart) paddles are available for the
43110A defibs. DEFIBRILLATORS sold only to
qualified EMS, BIOMED or other medical professionals.
PERIMED Model PF-3 PeriFlux Laser Doppler perfusion monitor.
This unit shows very little use and is ideal for research
perfusion studies. $1,500.00
VASAMEDICS Model BPM-403 Laser Blood perfusion monitor.
This unit was received missing the *required* probe which
is available from the mfg. at additional cost. INQUIRE
GRASS Model 8-10C ten channel EEG system. With Master Electrode
montage selector and several Pt. cable junction boxes. Nice
system for biofeedback or research applications. Very clean. $1,850.00
GRASS Model 8-10B Eight channel EEG system. With Master Electrode
montage selector and several Pt. cable junction Boxes. Nice
clean system for biofeedback or research. $1,650.00
TECA Model EP-40 Evoked Response System. Does BAER (Brainstem
auditory evoked response), SEP (Somatosensory Evoked response)
and VEP (visual evoked response> testing. With ST-10 multi
function stimulator, XY recoder and roll around stand. Very
nice system. Many research and/or clinical applications. $3,250.00
PURITAN-BENNETT (DATEX) CO2 Monitors. Model 223 and others. $ 450.00 Ea
SARAcap Capnograph CO2 monitor with many features. $ 650.00
BAUM Blood Pressure manometers (mercury wall mount units) (18) $ 40.00 Ea
WELCH-ALYN Model 74710 Wall mount power unit with otoscope
and opthalmoscope. $ 350.00
SIEMENS Model 'Ultratherm 608' Diathermy unit. 27 Mhz $ 600.00 D
BECKMAN Model R-611 (8) Channel Physiological recorder. $ 500.00 D
This unit could be ideal for sleep studies or biofeedback.
JOBST Compression unit. $ 200.00 D
HARVARD APPARATUS CO. Model 613 Large animal positive pressure
ventilator. INQUIRE
HARVARD APPARATUS CO. Model 901 Infusion/withdrawal pump. INQUIRE
VITAL-STAT 'CALORIMETER' VVR (Vital Signs Distributes) $ 500.00
HUMPHREY Model 410 AUTO-KERATOMETER. System looks new. $1,650.00
TITMUS Model OV7M Vision Screener (professional Model) $ 450.00
TITMUS II Vision Screener with Automatic Control. Includes
Pediatric slide set. $ 450.00
COLPOSCOPE Model 1000 by Berkeley Bio-Engineering Inc. $ 800.00
SONY Model VO-5600 High Resolution VTR for imaging applications
Broadcast quality recorders. Umatic Format. $ 550.00 Ea
ZIMMER Model 666 Dermatome with three heads and motor. $ 375.00
ELMED 'ENDODYNE' Model 4060 and 4075 Muscle stimulator with
vacum lead and vacum pump assembly. Current Elmed model. $ 750.00
MUSCLE STIMULATORS for physical therapy applications. Have
both regulated voltage and reg. current types. (3) available. Call for $$
EMPI "LOGIX" 712-P Command Set and Personal stimulator. This
personal stimulator is programmed by the command set which can
also be used as a stand alone stimulator. Nice clean unit. $ 600.00
BIRD MARK-7 and MARK-8 Respirators. UNTESTED $ Inquire
PICKER two light Xray viewing box. New condition. $ 175.00
OLYMPUS Model OSF flexible sigmoidoscope. 60 CM working length
with Olympus Model CLV Light source with air source. $1,000.00
OLYMPUS Model PF-27M ultra thin fiberoptic scope. Eyepiece
needs repair. With Olympus case. Original cost $12,000.00 $1,000.00
CUDA 150/300, STRYKER "OrthoBeam", EDER 600 and MORGAN. Inquire
OLYMPUS Model CLE-F10 Halogen light source with Xeon flash
for photography. For endoscopy applications. $ 750.00
OLYMPUS Model CLK-4 Light source with air pump. $ 425.00
OLYMPUS ILK-3 light source. $ 300.00
WOLF Model 4046.00 Light source. (2) available $ 350.00 Ea
MADSEN Model ZS76 Impedance audiometer with acoustic audiometer $ 500.00
AMERICAN ELECTROMEDICS Tympanometer with audiometer capability. $ 450.00
MAICO Model MA-19 Screening audiometer. $ 350.00
BAXTER COM-2 Cardiac output monitors. Disposable sensor req'd. $ 350.00
RJL SYSTEMS Model BIA-103 Impedance Analyzer. INQUIRE
AMERICAN OPTICAL Model 11666 SLIT LAMP. Excellent binocular
variable power scope. Pt. chin rest and support columns not
included. Unit needs some work. $ 150.00
AMERICAN OPTICAL "Project-O-Chart" Needs new media strip. $ 100.00
PROCEDURE and OPERATING LAMPS. A variety of portable units
are available. INQUIRE
LEITZ 'LABORLUX-11' Microscope with PLOEMOPAK 2.5 Fluorescence
package. Furnished with N2.1 and I2 filters. Many high end
objectives including NPL fluotars, APO's, etc. $2,800.00
AMERICAN OPTICAL Model One-Twenty "Microstar" microscope. With
10X WF Oculars, and 2.5X, 4.0X, 10X, 20X, 40X and 100X O.I. INQUIRE
All above objectives are the superb A.O. PLAN achromats.
AMERICAN OPTICAL (Spencer) Binocular microscope. 10X Oculars
and 10X, 40X and 90X O.I. Objectives. $ 550.00
ZEISS PHOTOMICROSCOPE I and II. Two units are available. These
prime examples of German craftsmanship are in fine shape and
include many objective lens. They are both setup with dual
light sources (mercury and halogen or mercury and incadescent).
One scope is equipped with Epi fluorescense filters and condenser.
Some accessory items are also available. These scopes are, perhaps,
the finest ever built. Virtually impossible to duplicate today.
A variety of objectives are available for the PHOTOMICROSCOPE's. INQUIRE
ZEISS "PLANAPO OBJECTIVE" 63X / 1.4 N.A. 160mm /-. This is one of
the finest and most sought after objectives ever manufactured. The
one we have is the newer, wide body, laser etched "ZEISS", objective
(Pt.# 4618-40-9901). Last ZEISS price was $5,800.00. $2,250.00
ZEISS "PLANAPO" Objective. 100X / 1.3 N.A. 160mm/-. Another
primo Zeiss objective lens. $1,000.00
KRAMER SCIENTIFIC CORP. Model XM-160 Projecting microscope. This
system uses a Leitz Laborlux microscope and a custom XEON light
source to project bright microscope images at distances up to
20 feet (dark room). With 4.0X EF objective and 25X APO obj. $1,250.00
BECKMAN "APPRAISE" Scanning Densiometer electrophoresis
plate reader. Performs a variety of tests. INQUIRE
CLINTEK-200 (Miles Diagnostics) URINE ANALYZER. Uses
inexpensive 'Multistix 10 SG' strips for complete urine
analysis. INQUIRE
LABLINE Model 13000 water bath. SS tub, top and side panels. $ 275.00
speed and capacity. $ 350.00
AMERICAN OPTICAL (A.O.) Model 820 MICROTOME. The industry
standard for histology sectioning. We have several of these
fine units available priced from $1,400.00/$1,650.00. INQUIRE
SORVAL (Porter Blum) Model MT-1 ULTRA-MICROTOME complete with
AO (Amer.Optical) Binocular stereo microscope 10X-to-40X &
stand with light. $1,200.00
SORVAL (Porter Blum) MT-1 ULTRA-MICROTOME. Does not include
microscope. $ 250.00 D
SORVAL GLC-3 Centrifuge with HL-4 Rotor and (4) six place
holders PN 00565. $ 550.00
CLAY-ADAMS "DYNAC" centrifuge. With 6 place holder & SS tubes. $ 650.00
CLAY-ADAMS SERO-FUGE Centrifuge $ 350.00
CLAY-ADAMS SERO-FUGE II Centrifuge (dual speed) $ 375.00
GILFORD STASAR III Spectrophotometer covers 312/727 nm $ 450.00
SYVA (GILFORD) STASAR III Spectrophotometer covers 312/727 nm $ 500.00
SORVAL (Dupont) GLC-4 CENTRIFUGE with HL1000 rotor and
(4) twenty tube buckets. $ 650.00
HAMILTON-BELL Model 1750 Centrifuge. 4 place rotor 3300 rpm. $ 175.00
YSI Tele-Thermometer with probe. New Condition. INQUIRE
ORION Model 811 PH meter. $ 350.00
CORNING Model 6 portable PH meter. $ 125.00
CORNING Model 5 PH Meter $ 100.00
NOTE: PH meters do not include electrodes as these are
normally application specific.
SINGER MODEL NM 17/27 RFI-EMI (Radio Interference) RECEIVER.
Covers 10 Khz / 32 Mhz in 8 bands. Sensitivity specified at
.01 microvolt to 1.0 V. This unit was received NEW and
unused from the U.S. Govt. Original cost over $33,000.00.
This receiver has incredible sensitivity and along with its
RFI-EMI functions it makes a great general coverage receiver. $1,850.00
EATON MODEL NM 17/27A -SL RFI-EMI (Radio Interference)
RECEIVER. Same basic spec's. as NM 17/27 shown above but a
later model with improved features. UNUSED - NEW EQUIPMENT $3,500.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Spectrum analyzer. Models 141T, 8552B,
8553B (0/110Mhz RF), 8556A (O/300Khz). $1,750.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 7046A X-Y Recorder. $1,000.00
HP Model 7475 $ 250.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 8005-B Pulse Generator. $ 250.00
HEWLETT-PACKARD Model 8015A Pulse Generator. Unused. $ 850.00
ABBOTT "VISION" Clinical chemistry analyzer. Does most common
clinical tests including cholesterol, tryglycerides, glucose,
bun, and many others. $ 750.00
COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: Loads of PS-2 units including models
70-386, 80-386, 56SX, 55SX, 30-286,and 30-286 upgraded to 386SX Inquire D
Computers are offered for pickup at our facility only.
Fluke Model 332-B DC Voltage Standard.
Specified accuracy .002%. Microvolt to 1100 v DC at 50Ma. $ 750.00
Fluke Model 5200A a.c. Calibrators. NEW unused units $ 1,800.00
Last Fluke price was over $12,000.00 each.
Fluke Model 731-B DC voltage standards. $ 300.00
HEALTHDYNE Model 5000 ECG and RESPIRATION simulators. Compact
battery operated unit with variable ECG and respiration
parameters. NEW UNUSED surplus. $ 375.00
Hewlett-Packard Model 3964-A Instrumentaion Recorder. Four
channels with six speeds from 15/32"IPS to 15 i.p.s. Exc.
for biomed research or physiology studies. $ 1,250.00
Hewlett-Packard Model 3960-A Portable FM tape recorder. Rugged
four track 3 speed unit. This instrumentation recorder has been
very lightly used and looks excellent. $ 650.00
EIP Model 351D Microwave counter. $ 750.00
FLUKE Model 1953A Counter (125 Mhz) $ 325.00
ESI Model DB-62 Resistance decade box. 0/11,000 ohms in
.01 ohm steps. UNUSED. $ 500.00
BIO-TEK Instruments UW-II Ultrasound Wattmeter. Measures
therapeutic output power up to 2 mHz. Needs Membrane. INQUIRE
Other test equipment is also available. INQUIRE
All equipment is offered AS-IS, F.O.B. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI - subject
to prior sale. NO WARRANTIES are expressed or implied. None of this
equipment is offered or sold for use in life support and/or critical
care applications in human medicine.
We supply some of the leading research facilities in the U.S.A. and our
customers have ALWAYS indicated that equipment received from us has by
far exceeded their expectations for value and quality. Our long term
customers include Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Medical School,
and other major research facilities.
There are many items available that may not have been itemized at the time
this list was posted. Inquire with any of your special equipment needs.
Give us a call if you need further information.
All equipment is set up and operating and can be inspected at our Grosse
Pointe, MI facility BY APPOINTMENT. Call or email for further information.
Special pricing consideration will be given to BULK orders. Call for a
quotation. On items marked with a "D" after the price, we will consider
donating to any bonafide charitable organization with IRS tax free status,
excluding any packing or shipping charges. Reasonable offers will be
considered on some items.
Thank you,
Gil Groehn, General Manager
email: ultramedco at worldnet.att.net -or- ad408 at detroit.freenet.org
Phone: ac 313 884-1139
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