Peripheral Neuropathy ??

blades at novagate.com blades at novagate.com
Tue Mar 23 21:11:38 EST 1999

This may not be the correct newsgroup to ask, but I've not found any 
other that seemed suitable.

I'm a 67 yr old male in generally good health excepting for being in 
remission from a light case of limited Wegener's granulomatosis.  At some 
point, probably about the time I was diagnosed in Sept. '97, there 
developed a tingling and cold sensation in both feet and right 

I've been off all meds excepting bactrim DS (morning and night) for about 
5 months.  The tingling/cold is absent when I first wake in the morning. 
 It comes on slowly during the day, being some days confined to feet 
only, but other days creeping up to my thighs and right elbow.  

No pain, and no numbness.  Wouldn't it be permanent and relatively 
constant if it were peripheral neuropathy?  (I've wondered if it could be 
a side effect of bactrim, but haven't wanted to stop long enough to clear 
my system of the bactrim).

Your response(s) welcomed. 


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