HELP reqd. - Hydrocephalus Complications

soobra at yahoo.com soobra at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 24 14:13:10 EST 1999


Javani Naidoo was born on 23/03/98.

Investigations for delayed milestones and increasing OFC revealed that
she has a variant of the Dandy-Walker syndrome.

A ventriculoperitoneal shunt(102cm.Codman medium pressure Unishunt
with reservoir) was inserted at age 8/12.Over 300mls of fluid drained
initially resulting in considerable abdominal distension. The
resorption of fluid has generally been very poor with fairly rapid
accumulation after peritoneal tapping.

Thus far we have established  that renal,hepatic and cardiac function
is normal and that there is no cyst formation at the peritoneal end of
the shunt(plain abdominal film).

Does anyone have any suggestions to help Javani or perhaps refer me to
individuals or institutions that may be able to solve this problem as
1)it has resulted in an inguinal hernia
2)tends to compromise respiration
3)it is hampering attempts at physiotherapy.

With regards
King Edward V111 Hospital
Durban, South Africa

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