Is thinking more like a thunderstorm or like a calculation?

Bruce McPherson brucemc at xtra.co.nz
Wed Mar 24 17:37:35 EST 1999

> I don't think thinking is like a thunderstorm.
> It is not like a calculation, but it is nearer.

The calculations are like thunderstorms, they have the chaotic functions.
> Thinking - and logical decisions - when brains make a
> decision, it is always data comparing.

No, comparison happens in memory, decisions depend on the relevant memory.
> You have a group of assertions, and then you put them
> into balance - whichever weights most, it helps making
> the decision.

The memories assists the decision by factoring in previous experiences. 
> Then you multiply then results for the assertion tests
> by some constants... With the 'how'-factors.
> Then, if 'leave' wins, you leave. Otherwise you stay.
> If they are in balance, you think about it until you
> decide something or something else comes to your mind.

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