ANN: Biology of Cognition/Autopoiesis Course

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 23 09:19:27 EST 1999


>Biology of Cognition
>An Intensive 18-Day Course (in English)

If cognition should mean thinking,
I guess I'd be to stupid to understand all the biology even just of
one of the two "big main thinkers".
"Seen" some bitsy of another's own I's energies a couple of times, 
and that was MBD data boooom enough, 
though I can understand why something as fascinating as that 
might be even more fascinating if one were to understand 
what all that (sub)atomic stuff is making for chemistry 
and what that is making for bio-stuff  
and how it all works together.

... In fantasy role-games I used to like to play a strange troll 
being a limited grey magician. Magic wand being a troll club 
and if magic failed using it for more primitive purposes. 

In other words I guess I am to primitive to want to understand all,
and my magic perception power is very limited in many areas.

So all the according cells internal detail stuff and what is bio-read
when and/or other biostuff I am too lazy to learn about 
(though I would not mind if someone were to send me data about that),
and I am more curious about some "bigger" data:

With the thinker in the brain that is supervising the motoric
sequences, which areas of it do mentioned people count as central
thinking areas? And which ones just as "use areas" of it?

Concerning the own thinking areas, what is his attitude towards the
diagonal band?
Is it regarded as "outside" or "inside" (the own self) or depending on
if the own areas are on certain energy settings?

I'd very much appreciate data about that.

>... Chile

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