Bilingual Brains

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 23 12:31:13 EST 1999


"John" <johnhkm at netsprint.net.au> wrote:
>... and is then relentless.
>Watch, she'll pick me now ... .

 :-)   Hi(gh).  Currently don't recollect you going giga-chimping for 
third emotion generator stuff against me, 
so therefore to sweep out the own gorillaring 
might give me less orcish satisfaction than with some others.

BTW, if someone called autist has decided to like something, wether it
is throwing pencils behind the heater or repeating something else over
and over again, there are people who wisely might decide, that common
chances of that person getting bored with repeating something 
that gets one their nerves  might be mind-bogglingly low. 
And that therefore to switch on the own wisdom before starting the
other out on something relentlessly repeated
for maybe months to decades or life
(and possibly even hardware in the brain changed 
while at keeping doing it  after which it might be even easier to
repeat it with far less efforts)
might be more satisfactory in the end.


... Also you do not share the doubtful honour to have been worth the
absurd fun for me in the past to have deleted vast amounts of data to
do with my own and other systems about something that you are after, 
which in that case was about as satisfying for me  as for others 
it might be to throw something into a fire  
that some persons abusing and murdering jerk is yearning to understand
better, and enjoy to watch him searching to understand it better.

(And the current deletion programs are ways more tricky than the other
stuff had been and might take me years, but for me a neat one on
neuropsychology. And that stuff did take pretty considerate picking.)

Maybe you do not need to be worried that I pick on you the same way.

Are you into imprisoning, abusing and maybe murdering persons of other
races or why do you seem to fear that I might start to pick on you 
and maybe not just referring to one article but "relentlessly"?

>A German speaking man had a massive stroke in later adult life which left
>him with very limited linguistic abilities. However, he could still speak
>French quite well. Researchers found out that during his early 20's the man
>had a deep love affair with a French woman and recalled his years in France
>as being the happiest of his life. This was the only relevant info they
>could find. I think they're suggesting a limbic\thalamic role here.

Why thalamic?

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