Is thinking more like a thunderstorm or like a calculation?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 23 12:31:36 EST 1999


It does not seem like a thunderstorm to me, and I can option to run
calculations (usually for such I'd like the front in a stage to
cooperate well), but I do not have to calculate all the time.

Verbal stuff is sort of new outish leftie stuff if you get what I
mean, while the old magic communication might be more suited for I-I
areas energies links, to understand thinking better.
If your culture is a bit similar to here, such stuff is more to do
with magic branches than with sense censored branches.

Usually the sense censored do not practice telepathy and do not link
minds and like to do "axon communicating" in the brain a lot, and that
is why they do not tend to understand much about magic communication
and thinking.

I doubt that you will get much of an anwer here.

And practicers of magic are often not much into explaining such with
words, so if you are not having enough sector perception to understand
what the loads of energies they might be sending are doing in your
systems you might still not understand much about it, even if you
should get some to run transfers to your brain about that.

Tricky.  ;-)

cui_siling at my-dejanews.com wrote:

>You are referring to human values. Almost all our values can not be
>programmed. If you try, you are going to fall into a logic trap in the end,
>i.e. "to make a program to choose other programs without being made up of
>Values are related to the entropy of a system in biological level. 

Long version?

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