Cijadrachon wrote in message <36f41eb1.19697972 at>...
>>Cij, leave Frank F. LeFever, Ph.D alone. What's he done to you, except
>>his disapproval to your drug experiments [while you post]? (if I remember
I think you'll have to become used to Cij doing this. She picks her targets
and is then relentless.
Watch, she'll pick me now ... .
Bilingual brains.
Strange case in Brain Repair, Stein, Donald G, Brailowsky, Simon, Will,
Bruno, p. 132
A German speaking man had a massive stroke in later adult life which left
him with very limited linguistic abilities. However, he could still speak
French quite well. Researchers found out that during his early 20's the man
had a deep love affair with a French woman and recalled his years in France
as being the happiest of his life. This was the only relevant info they
could find. I think they're suggesting a limbic\thalamic role here.