
davidkaiser at my-dejanews.com davidkaiser at my-dejanews.com
Tue Mar 23 05:16:24 EST 1999

I would also recommend following the Sterman protocol (i.e. training central
strip in the high frequencies, 12-19 Hz) given its documented history.

David Kaiser

In article  flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:
> This is a little troubling.  I respect Chuck's honesty, but what are
> the implications? That he has been marketing some kind of neurofeedback
> protocol without reference to prior research and critical reviews of
> this treatment approach?  It is possible to reinvent the wheel, of
> course, but science and medicine advance more surely and safely with a
> continuous tradition of communication and public scrutiny.
> I will be interested in seeing what Sterman's review says of the
> current status of these procedures (consensus on objective measures of
> efficacy, percent of cases for which they are appropriate, etc.).
> Another question of interest would be the extent to which the Roshi
> procedures emulate those found to be useful.
> F. LeFever

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