Hope you won't mind my including bionet.neuroscience in this (see my
prior comment). I concur with Nancy's comments.
re LeDoux: Joe does lesion studies with rats. In a fairly recent
presentation (ARNMD meeting in NYC, December), he gave no hint of
expanding to PET studies (rats or humans!). Given that NYU Center for
Neural Science has soome expertise in MEG (Sam Williamson), this would
be a prefered technique in any case, given the rather severe
limitations of PET (and even fMRI) for temporal resolution.
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <SPR990314155532-12603 at kauri.vuw.ac.nz> "Nancy Stone"
<danstone1 at earthlink.net> writes:
>>Daniel Schacter at Harvard is using imaging to study false memories.
>That's not the same as repressed memories. Is there some reason why
>you believe that repressed memories wouldn't be located in the same
>place as unrepressed memories? Since most imaging shows brain
>activity, how would you demonstrate a lack of activity for something
>that is not being recalled? Are you perhaps talking about imaging the
>mental effort involved in suppressing a memory (see Wegner)? Or are
>you referring to what occurs when someone recalls something previously
>repressed but now recallable? Joe LeDoux's book "The Emotional Brain"
>discusses areas of the brain involved in memory, emotion, and stress,
>though I don't believe he is using imaging it might have some useful
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